App development
Customised to your needs
The world of apps explained simply, a brief overview.
Nowadays, it is impossible to imagine life without apps, as they are available everywhere and at all times on all types of devices. But not all apps run on all platforms. In the following article, we will present the different types of apps with their advantages and disadvantages and, in particular, highlight the possibilities for offline use of web apps.
Native apps are basically ‘real’ apps.
They are always developed for a specific platform. For example Android, iOS or Windows Mobile. They come into play when the app performs real-time calculations, displays complex graphics and should also function without an active internet connection. The disadvantages quickly become apparent: a separate app has to be developed for each platform. This increases the time and cost of development.
Advantages: Many design options & optimal utilisation of hardware and operating system.
Possible disadvantages: Complex development & maintenance, difficult multi-platform customisation.
The website in app guise.
Web apps are definitely an alternative to native apps. The significant difference is that web apps are only developed once for all platforms. This is possible because classic technologies are used for development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript). Although device-specific adaptations still have to be made to support different screen sizes, this remains within manageable limits. Web apps often also utilise existing resources, for example the content management system on which the company website is based. Web apps are useful when it comes to the mobile display of web content. Disadvantage: They require an active internet connection.
Advantages: Existing web technologies can be used, favourable development, fast and frequent updates possible, a wide range of functions is possible with HTML5.
Possible disadvantages: Always runs in the device’s browser, often less convenient than a native app and limited use in offline mode.
Hybrid apps are, as the name suggests, a mixture of native and web apps.
In other words, they combine the best of both worlds. In the first step, developers can programme a large part using web technologies, with access to native APIs. The native part runs directly on the operating system. Hybrid apps are useful when multiple platforms need to be supported, but web apps are not suitable due to high hardware requirements or the need for an internet connection.
Advantages: Combines advantages of web and native app.
Possible disadvantages: Possible performance losses, updates are not possible as frequently, high testing effort.